The holidays have now come and gone. We had a great Christmas. We traveled to Virginia to stay with my sister, Christy, and her family. We arrived the day after their snow storm so there was 20 inches of snow on the ground. While there Logan caught a cold. Luckily it wasn’t till the end of the trip however it canceled our planned trip to PA to see some of Bill’s family . He’s now recovered however that wasn’t without one trip to the ER with a high fever. That’s how we celebrated 1/1/10. Test results for RSV and the Flu came back negative, his chest x-ray was clear and we didn’t hear anything about the blood work they took which is supposed to mean good news.
We made an annual follow-up visit to the Nephrologist yesterday and was told all was improving and that they did not need to see us again unless something came up. Yippee!!! One doctor crossed off the list.
Logan’s scar from his surgery in November is healing nicely. He is starting to try to stand on his own and has even been seen taking a step. We’re on our way to walking soon I think. He has taken to eating some finger foods on his own. So far I think one of his favorites is hotdogs.
Hope all of you had a great holiday season. Enjoy our pics.
- Logan and Uncle Nick
- How’d that get there??
- Florida boy in snowsuit
- Swingin’
- My first snowman
- Logan and Bill
- Logan & Mackenzie playing
- Yeah! My own blocks!!
- Ready to play tunes now.
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